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Monitor £¨33:276£© Block not found ! Help on Message 33:276 Description: The block could not be cut or deleted in the PLC because it is a system block or a system function. ONLINE: Message from the module: D204 = No linked block in given storage medium. D209 = At least one listed block not available on the module. D20E = No block available reading directory of PLC. EPROM = The block does not exist on the Memory Card/MMC. Remedy: OFFLINE: Save block in database. ONLINE: Download block to the module. EPROM: Save block on the Memory Card/MMC. ÇóÖú£¬žéʲô•þ³ö¬F(xi¨¤n)ß@‚€Çé›rÄØ£¿ ÎÒ‘ªÔ“Ôõô½â›Q°¡£¿£¿ ÖxÖx£¡ |